Open Source Bitcoin Trading Engine

I am developing a Bitcoin exchange trading engine.  It’s written in C# and ASP.Net MVC4/Razor.  The UI layer is service-based using knockout.js and jqGrid to bind to JSON web services.    Order processing done in a service process.

Is anyone interested learning more about the design?  Update: OK!  Graphics below updated and first detail post added.

I think it will take at least 10 posts to document this project:

  1. Order Matching Algorithm
  2. Transfers
  3. Advanced Orders
  4. Trading Page





OrderBook Schemascreenshot processingTrade Page ScreenshotEdit OrderTransfers Schema Localization Schema

11 thoughts on “Open Source Bitcoin Trading Engine”

  1. David, we are interested in your Bitcoin exchange trading engine. We are planning to develop a combination of we are based on Southeast Asia. Would love to chat with you more, email me pls.

  2. Hello,
    Very good your post!
    You will provide the code?
    I would like to study it also developed an engine, I need to improve it.
    So I would like to study your code.

    1. I am very interested, especially if you would be willing to create a fork for a “stockexchnage” … like Cryptostocks… there is very little competition in the shares market. I would like th epower to be able to add ANY pair I want.. Wheat/BTC, Sugar/LTC, etc… There are 100’s of exchanges out their now… if you make your have a twist… an edge… it would be amazing…

  3. Really nice design and would like to see your code, I would like to chat with you and discuss further on this project. get back to me. Looking forward to hear from you soon.

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